About rg4rcia

This author has not yet written his bio.
Meanwhile let's just say that we are proud rg4rcia contributed with 53 entries.

Entries by rg4rcia

OUT NOW: Fandango / Freakin Out

Side “A” is an original tune about smoking drugs and making love
Side “B” is a cover of a song by the band that invented punk rock.
<3 <3 <3


A collection of beats. An homage to the night, playing music, and not working.

OUT NOW: Solum

Definition of solum: the altered layer of soil above the parent material that includes the A and B horizons.

also: A new single from R_Garcia featuring altered smooth funk and soiled ATL trap elements, including the A and B horizons.


“Ojo” – my first solo electronic release since 2015, is a meditation on ancestry, philosophy, and the East.

OUT NOW: Remixes II

OUT NOW:  R_Garcia – Remixes II.

This is a collection of solo electronic remixes I did from 2007-2015.

It’s also the first of 12 releases I am dropping in 2021.